Asynchronous JSON-RPC Server


This feature requires Python 3.5+

An asynchronous version of the server protocol is provided by the jsonrpclib.server_protocol_async module. The latter provides the AsyncJsonRpcProtocolHandler class, which can be used in any asyncio protocol implementation. Currently, the library comes with a server implementation based on the aiohttp library.

Other implementations can be implemented/contributed.

Sample usage with the aiohttp implementation


The aiohttp module is not explicitly imported as the AiohttpJsonRpcServer class hides all the initialization process. If you want to use a custom aiohttp instance, you can register the low-level request handler: AiohttpRequestHandler.

A high level API request handler will be implemented for version 0.5.0.

import asyncio
from jsonrpclib.server_protocol_async import AsyncJsonRpcProtocolHandler
from jsonrpclib.impl.aiohttp_impl import AiohttpRequestHandler, AiohttpJsonRpcServer

Prepare the protocol handler

The first step is the creation of the protocol handler. It has the same API as the simple JSON-RPC/XML-RPC servers to register functions.

async def my_async_method():
   # Do something...

def my_sync_method():
   # Do something...

# Prepare the protocol handler
json_handler = AsyncJsonRpcProtocolHandler()

# Register functions the same way

# Lambda still works
json_handler.register_function(lambda: "Hello", name="hello")

# As well as introspection methods

Asynchronous start method

We then define a utility method that will start the aiohttp server in the current event loop. It will also start a checker which will wake up every half second to ensure that Python looks for KeyboardInterrupt exceptions to raise from time to time:

def start_sync(srv):
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    checker = loop.create_task(srv.async_check_interrupt())
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # Wait for the interruption checker


Here, we can manage the life cycle of the HTTP server.

We first create the HTTP request handler based on aiohttp. It is a low-level request handler, which is why it’s there that we indicate the path used for JSON-RPC queries.

Then, we prepare the aiohttp-based server itself, indicating its request handler, binding address and listened port:

http_handler = AiohttpRequestHandler(json_handler, "/json-rpc")
srv = AiohttpJsonRpcServer(http_handler, "localhost", 8080)
except KeyboardInterrupt:

The endpoint is now accessible on http://localhost:8080/json-rpc.

Implement a new asynchronous transport



  1. Inherit AbstractAsyncTransport
  2. Implement request(self, host, handler, request_body, verbose=False)